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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Nintendo Switch

I had the opportunity to work on porting the Wii version of TFU to the Switch and upscaling the textures and making various improvements to the lighting and fx. Other improvements include: the lock-on mechanics, accurate physics-based ragdolling, rim lighting, reflections, adjustments to the skyboxes and overall combat fluidity.
Given the Wii/PSP version is the port I grew up playing more than the Xbox 360 and PC version - this was a very special experience. Not only was I fortunate to make many strong connections within the industry and to work through my University's stellar employment program, my previous rework of TFU for PC was exactly the portfolio piece I needed along with my other "remasters".
I am currently part of another port project that I cannot discuss yet but stay tuned. 

April 20, 2022